Today’s fuel injector units require cleaner fuel. High-pressure injectors are less tolerant of both fine solid particles and water that reduce fuel lubricity. Improved economy and tightened emission standards require increased cylinder combustion pressures, which demand cleaner fuel intake. Look to micfil filters for diesel fuel filters and fuel/water separators that filter out even the smallest particles of rust, scale, dirt and water.
Clean fuel increases combustion efficiency, combustion efficiency will save on diesel fuel and will reduce soot formation in the lube oil.
Clean fuel will greatly reduce wear and tear off the injector pump components in addition clean diesel fuel will greatly increase the life cycle of the injectors.
Fuel savings created with the installation of the micfil Ultra-Fine Filter can be as high as 3 to 4%
By installing the micfil Ultra –Fine Filter on the lube oil we can once again look at further savings on average lube oil savings will be 99% as direct savings in addition ultra-clean lube oil will decrease friction within the engine the reduction of friction will reduce fuel consumption.
Micfil efficiency: Diesel Fuel
Fuel Filter average savings of 3 to 4 % would amount to savings of some 3.2 liters per hour on an engine having a use rate of 80 liters per hour.
This saving will amount to 3.2 X Rp 6500 = Rp 20,800 or X 24 hours Rp 499,200 per day over a year the savings would amount to let’s say 4000 operational hours Rp 83,199,999
This would be considered as the direct saving the indirect savings would be reduced down time, reduced wear on the injector pump and full OEM projected injector life.
The savings for the above can be calculated over time these savings alone will well and truly warrant the use of the micfil Ultra – Fine Filter for fuel.
The cost to install a micfil canister and to operate over 4000 hours:
- Micfil AL 300 canister = Rp 6,107,774
- Operational cost over 4000 hours would be the purchase of 4 to 6 FE 300 elements (depending on fuel quality feed)
- This would amount to Rp 5,000,744
- Total for 4000 operational hours Rp 11,108,518
Additional savings: no down time due to fuel related problems savings on injector pump and injectors.
Micfil efficiency Lube oil
Lube oil savings of 99% can be achieved with the installation of a micfil Lube oil Filter this would be installed on the engine taking Lube Oil from the high pressure oil gallery to the micfil and cleaned oil discharged to the low pressure normally found at the bottom of engine in or near the crankcase.
- Normal oil changes at let’s say 250 hours can be extended to some 1000’ 1500 or 2000 hours.
- Engine with crankcase volume of let’s say 70 liters.
- 120 liters of lube oil at $ 3.00 per liter total $ in crankcase would be $360.00.
- Extending the oil to 1000 hours would be a saving of 1440.00.
- Extending the oil to 1500 hours would be a saving of $2160.00.
- Extending the oil to 2000 hours would be a saving of $2880.00.
- Note: some fishing fleet owners are extending oil to 4000 hours or change oil just once per season.
- The cost to install a micfil canister and to operate over 2400 hour’s oil life:
- Micfil AL 300 double with SS manifold and fittings Rp 26,095,461.
- Micfil FE 300 element = Rp 1,250,186.
- Element changes over 2400 hours = 6 X FE 300 =Rp 7,501,116.
- Total 2400 =Rp 33,596.577 one cycle 2400 hours.
- Total gross micfil efficiency over operational year 4800 hours (oil) or 19.2 oil changes = 19.2 X $360.00 = $ 6,912.00 = Rp 96,768,000 per year.
- Less cost of canisters and elements in year one Rp 41,097,693.
- This shows a total net saving of Rp 55,670,307 over one year.
- Year two will show a saving of Rp 81,765,768.
In addition the micfil Ultra-Fine Filter will also prove to provide a fuel saving of some 2 to 3% due to less friction in the engine.
Additional micfil efficiency at overhaul time will show greatly reduced component wear the amount saved here could very well exceed the direct savings in oil costs in any one year.
FTS Indonesia would like to recommend that some caution is practiced by extending the lube oil our recommendation would be to take the lube oil to double the “normal” time (500 hours) followed by an oil analysis based on results of analysis extend to 1000 hours, to extend further it is highly recommended that analysis are continuously taken. PT FTS Indonesia can supply at a fair price a hand held oil analyzer for immediate analyses on site the analyzer is available at $ 850.00 each.